Public Citizen’s 50th Anniversary Gala
Join us Tuesday, June 13, 2023 from 6:00 to 10:00pm at the National Portrait Gallery and Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC.
If you can’t attend, please help ensure our work goes on by contributing to our People. Power. Progress. Action Fund or by submitting a Congratulatory Message.

50th Anniversary Celebration Leadership

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita

Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer

Representative Pramila Jayapal

Senator Bernie Sanders

Senator Elizabeth Warren
Congratulatory Messages
Congratulations to Rob Weissman and the entire Public Citizen team. Your hard work and unflagging dedication have made you enormously effective–and more than that, inspiring. Cheers to your past triumphs and future successes!
Nancy Newman Elghanayan
New York, NY
I serve on the Public Citizen Board because it is the premier national litigation and lobbying group in the country. No other group matches their smarts, grit and street savvy tactics in protecting consumers.
Joy Howell, Board Member
Delray Beach, FL
No organization has done more over the last 50 years to further the public interest than Public Citizen. To the next 50 years!
Robert Bramson
San Francisco, CA
I serve on Public Citizen’s Board because no organization so effectively defends both the health of people and of our democracy as this one. The ranks of its advocates not only lead, but inspire the change we need to see for social justice and greater equity.
Anthony So, Board Member
Baltimore, MD
I serve on Public Citizen’s board because now more than ever, our democracy needs tenacious and effective champions for the common good.
Anna Galland, Board Member
Evanston, IL
Congratulations Public Citizen!
50 years of dedication & effective work has made such a difference. At this point in history your work is more important than ever, and we are grateful to be able to be a small part of it. Here’s to the next 50 years, one good fight at a time!
Ann Dusenberry and Brad Fiedel
Santa Barbara, CA
I serve on Public Citizen’s board because no organization works harder to strengthen our democracy and the health, safety, and environmental protection of our people. Public Citizen’s amazing team of advocates, activists, and attorneys continues to deliver results in Washington DC on issue after issue and to inspire action at the grassroots level. Even in the most challenging times, this team keeps pushing for justice, and they know how to win.
David Halperin, Board Member
Washington, D.C.
Congratulations on 50 years to our friends, our partners, and our allies at Public Citizen. Your outstanding record of accomplishment in protecting consumer rights and standing up to corporate misconduct has led to a safer and more just America. Public Citizen and AAJ have gone into battle shoulder to shoulder against powerful interests many times and have made tremendous progress in areas like ending forced arbitration and holding big banks accountable. We look forward to the next 50 years fighting together on behalf of consumers, workers, and patients.
American Association for Justice
Washington, D.C.
I serve on the board of Public Citizen because I have always been drawn to people who stand up to bullies. In this case, it’s the fossil fuel companies, Big Pharma, the Too Big to Fail banks, the monopolists, the oligarchs, the corporatists, and all their quislings in Congress.
We have a choice as citizens. We can be bystanders. We can cheer on the bullies. Or we can stand with those who are willing to punch the bullies in their big fat noses.
That’s why I support this remarkable organization, Public Citizen: fighting bullies for over fifty years.
Steve Skrovan, Board Member
Los Angeles, CA
I serve on the board because Public Citizen tackles the often unglamorous yet critical issues that defend and advance the democratic principles of this nation, it restrains the predatory aspects of the marketplace to help better protect consumers and families, and it deploys the highly technical skills and strategies of its talented staff before the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and the Fourth Estate for real reform. The United States would have been a lesser place without Public Citizen as a sentinel for the people these last 50 plus years! Few organizations can credibly say that!! And while this is time to celebrate its vast accomplishments over the last five decades, we can only afford a brief respite as the demands for justice through action has never been greater. Onward and upward. It is and has been an honor to help advance this great organization’s work.
Jason Adkins, Chair, Public Citizen, Inc.
Boston, MA
Having been a part of Public Citizen for almost 40 years, my work has involved an association with 3 noteworthy national heroes: Public Citizen’s Founder Ralph Nader, Public Citizen’s President Robert Weissman — who successfully cut the cost of AIDS treatment internationally, saving the lives of millions — and Public Citizen’s former President Joan Claybrook — whose work transformed auto safety, including air bags, also saving the lives of many, many millions.
In addition to health and safety, Public Citizen’s message is crucial to the survival of basic democracy and the stewardship of our planet. A government system that responds primarily to short term profit interests or to cartel associations of the commercially self-interested (like Citizens United) is a corruption of our democratic model. Corporate power as the major element of our governance is a betrayal of American ideals and of meritorious democracy. Public Citizen works tirelessly to lessen those corruptive forces and to restore the basic ideals of a democracy controlled by living persons concerned about each other, and about the legacy we all leave behind.
Robert Fellmeth, Board Member
San Diego, CA
CONGRATULATIONS and HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY to PUBLIC CITIZEN and the great American heroes who created it: Ralph Nader, Joan Claybrook, Alan Morrison, and Sid Wolfe.
You helped inspire me, Public Justice, and millions of Americans to fight for the public interest, truth, and justice every day. What an incredible legacy!
Arthur Bryant
Oakland, CA
Great job! Congratulations on half a century of progressive advocacy!
Adelaide Park Gomer
Ithaca, NY
(I am most grateful…)
We, the People, are grateful that Public Citizen is fighting fiercely for justice and fairness to be equally extended to all.
Ursula Korneitchouk
Cleveland, OH
Joan Levin, Chicago, IL
Larry Ellsworth, Washington, D.C.
Rene Morgan, Palo Alto, CA
James F. Humphreys, Charleston, WV
Congratulations to Public Citizen for 50 years of fighting for democracy, justice, and the public interest, and standing up to powerful corporate interests that put profits over people. Bravo to the incredible staff, past and present, who work so hard and accomplish so much.
Pamela Gilbert
Washington, D.C.
In the complex world we are living in today, Public Citizens drive to strengthen our democratic institutions has never been more important. We need more independent voices like theirs.
Jim Bildner, Board Member, and Nancy Bildner
Manchester, MA
I have proudly served on the Board of Public Citizen for eight years. Even before that, I was fortunate to work alongside the Litigation Group, receive great advice from the Health Research Group, and benefit from the grilling of the Supreme Court Assistant Project. I continue to invest in Public Citizen because of their tireless efforts to fight for justice and equality. Congratulations to all Public Citizen staff and former President Joan Claybrook and current President Rob Weissman, for an amazing 50 years of helping this country to be a better place to live in.
Gerson Smoger, Board Member
San Francisco, CA
It is such a honor to serve on the Board of Public Citizen. On a daily basis, the staff manifests a beautiful, inspiring and effective marriage of progressive idealism and strategic savvy, with skills and aspirations that are particularly vital at this fraught American moment.
Danny Goldberg, Board Member
New York, NY
With absolute admiration for your work – so important to regain our democracy.
Susanne Delahunty
Punta Gorda, FL
We are very grateful for the research you do to give us the true story of various issues. Thank you.
Gloria Foster
Candanaigua, NY
Thanks to Public Citizens’ Founders and all of us for its successes.
However, when another S1 gets blocked, let’s sit-down on Congress’ steps.
Robert Munson
Chicago, IL
I serve on the PC board because there’s no organization doing more to confront the problem of concentrated corporate power.
John Richard, Board Member
Washington, D.C.
Thank you Public Citizen for leading the fight to protect and reform our democracy.
Center for Digital Democracy
Washington, D.C.
For half a century, Public Citizen has been on the front lines of the fight to strengthen our democracy, to unrig the system so that working families have as strong a voice as big corporations. From worker safety to affordable health care to retirement security to consumer financial protection and much more, Public Citizen is responsible for countless victories that have improved the lives of millions of people. And right now, with so many threats to the values we share, Public Citizen’s leadership has never been more urgently needed. The 1.4 million members of AFSCME are proud to work closely with Public Citizen in pursuit of our common goals. We are grateful for 50 years of partnership and look forward to at least 50 more.
AFSCME President Lee Sanders
Washington, D.C.
I’m a board member for Public Citizen because we need people-centered advocacy groups who are more concerned with holding corporate power accountable than with cozying up to them. Congrats to Public Citizen for 50 years of championing the public interest in the halls of power.
Brandi Collins-Dexter, Board Member
Baltimore, MD
Congratulations on reaching the remarkable milestone of your 50th anniversary! This momentous occasion is a testament to your unwavering commitment to championing the rights and well-being of the public. Throughout the years, Public Citizen has achieved countless victories that have made America a safer, healthier, more democratic, and just society.
From advocating for consumer protections to pushing for campaign finance reform, Public Citizen has been at the forefront of promoting transparency, accountability, and fairness. Your efforts have led to significant victories, empowering ordinary citizens and ensuring their voices are heard in the halls of power.
The milestones you have reached are not just numbers; they represent tangible change and improved lives. Public Citizen’s dedication to fighting for social justice, environmental sustainability, and democratic values is an inspiration to us all.
As you celebrate this incredible anniversary, know that your work has made a lasting impact and will continue to do so for years to come. Here’s to 50 years of victories, and here’s to many more to come!
Your Friends at IDM
Washington, D.C.
To four champions. Our appreciation for your innovative civic leadership is matched by our gratitude for the opportunity you gave us–and thousands of other advocates–to implement projects under your tutelage.
1973: Upper – Blurry photo but captures era. Two junior Nader staffers: Elma [Griesel] Holder (right) who worked to protect elderly and Pat Powers (left) who worked to protect children.
Lower – Farewell party for Powers at Public Citizen’s office which processed thousands of small donations.
Pat Powers – Rockville, MD
Elma Holder – Yukon, OK
I serve on the Public Citizen Board because for the past 50 years the organization has tirelessly worked to build a representative democracy. It is in large part due to Public Citizen’s leadership that people like myself, a 29 year old first generation American, daughter of Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants, has the opportunity to achieve her own American Dream and work alongside Public Citizen trailblazers to make a representative democracy a reality for everyone.
Joseline Garcia, Board Member
Los Angeles, CA
Memory Bank
We are collecting stories and memories from our allies and friends about our impact over 50 years. Click below to hear some stories and scroll to the bottom to submit a memory yourself!